We participate in local festivals and events to support ALL People regardless of race, sexual orientation, religion, or financial status.

Volunteers and Donations are extremely valued, needed, and used to expand our Democratic presence in South Carolina.

If you are ready to take action and stand up for the rights of all - Join Us!  We Welcome You!

Our 2024 club officers are:

PRESIDENT:  Jac Starkey

VICE PRESIDENT: Joan Blackwell

TREASURER: Jason Strow

SECRETARY: Vikki Girard

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men"

.                                       Frederick Douglas

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

About South EnderS Dems 

Email us anytime!


Copyright © South Enders Democratic Club. All Rights Reserved.



We CARE about YOU, our COMMUNITY, our STATE, our REPUBLIC, and our WORLD.  
In fact, the very word
CARE succinctly describes our core principles.

Civil Dialogue

Disagree Respectfully
Be Patient
Be Open to Different Perspectives
Seek Common Ground
Actively Listen

Active Community Support

Support & Recruit Like-minded Candidates
Protect Social Programs
Work to Improve Your Local Community
Expand Your Social Network
Get Involved

Responsible Accountability

Abide By Our Laws
Take Responsibility for Your Words & Actions
Be Informed
Follow Through on Your Commitments
Hold Our Leaders Accountable

 Equitable Treatment for All

Protect Everyone’s Fundamental Rights
Access to Healthcare for All
Protect Voting Rights
Encourage Diversity & Inclusion so All have a Seat & a Voice at the table
Promote Equal Opportunity
Support Worker’s Rights